Passionate. Creative. Authentic.

God’s Word is my foundation, His will my passion, His counsel my direction.

Bible and online teaching
Whether face to face or online, teaching and learning from God’s Word has always been a passion.

Latest posts

5 Prophets in 5 Days
A journey through the books of Obadiah, Jonah, Micah, Nahum, and Habakkuk. Be honest, how many of us have read …
Jesus Saves …
… Go therefore What do you believe about salvation? A question I sometimes get asked is, what is my view …
El Olam is His name!
A stunning new prophecy by Isaiah The number of prophecies from Isaiah is growing with the delivery of a new …
Priscilla – Partnering in God’s work
Woman of God series Priscilla drawn by Katie Oerlemans, 2021 PRISCA (Πρίσκα, Priska). Her name means worthy or venerable. The name is …

My work

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I love teaching from God’s Word. Follow my YouTube link below to review some of the teaching videos I have been privileged to have delivered.


I love to blog, but have also published some books on Amazon. Follow the links on the blog posts regarding these publications to find out more.


I have a passion for bible journalling and all things creative. I support various other creatives. Follow me on Instagram to find out more.